Rural Education

UNESCO ranked Pakistan as one of the most illiterate countries in the world. Pakistan’s education crisis originates from problems in enrollment numbers, dropout rates, and academic performance. An education is every child’s birthright. Pakistan will continue to struggle with poverty, gender disparity, and terrorism if high-quality education does not become a priority


  • 24 million boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 16 are not in school
  • 69 % of primary school children not retained until class 5 and only 28% reach class 10
  • 57 of girls are out of school, compared to 45% of boys


Some of the problems of rural education are stated below:

  • Lack of Infrastructure: Many schools in villages lack proper infrastructure facilities. There are no proper facilities for sitting as sometimes children are even made to sit on the floor due to non-availability of furniture.
  • Lack of Transportation Facilities: This is one of the biggest problems being faced by the children going to village schools. As there are no proper transport facilities available children don’t like to travel miles to come to school.
  • Less in Number: In comparison to the number of schools present in the urban area i.e., cities or towns, there are very few schools in villages or rural areas.
  • Lack of Basic Amenities: Even the basic amenities like drinking water, clean toilets etc are also not available in many of the schools at villages.
  • Lack of Extra-Curricular Activities: Apart from the course curriculum rural schools are not able to involve children in other activities like sports, co-curricular activities, and competitions. Such events and activities tend help in the overall development of the children.
  • Deficiency of Funds: One of the severe hurdles in the education system in rural Pakistan is the unavailability of funds. Some schools do not have funds even for purchasing benches, blackboards etc.


  • Setting up 1000 primary schools in rural areas.
  • Each primary school shall carry capacity of accommodating 400 students
  • Skilled teachers shall be hired from localities to create jobs
  • Teaching staff shall be supervised by expert educationist.
  • The school shall be also providing day health care facilities to the student within the vicinity.


Your support to our education programs provides children, teachers, their families or caregivers and communities with the infrastructure, training, tools, services and support they need for a better education.